Moroccan Lounge : Life skills are more important than studying !

Moroccan Writers collaborate with l'ODJ to make Moroccan Lounge, a new show that breaks the boundaries of literature and explores the literary world to its extremities and its relation to art, cinema, and music.

 Moroccan Lounge welcomes a guest each episode to discuss a different literary subject. Its fourth episode discusses the subject of debate and being a young Moroccan debater and the difficulties and gains it may bring. The debate is an art in the form of a formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward and which usually ends with a vote.
 For that, it welcomes Yahya ICHAKDI who holds a master's degree in Sustainable Development and Territorial Intelligence from the Faculty of Science and Technology, Al Hoceima, Morocco. He is a certified debate trainer and virtual exchange facilitator for many programs including Soliya, World Affairs Challenges, Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange, and Sharing Perspective Foundation. He is currently occupying a volunteering position as a talent and development manager in one of Morocco's leading youth-led international organizations known as World Merit Morocco. Yahya shares with us his journey and career path, as well as discusses why he considers debating an art form that should be spread more and delivered to young students across the nation.
He goes into further details about how he emerged into the field and how he ended up a world rebounded debater.

Watch the new episode on all L'ODJ platforms.

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Jeudi 18 Aout 2022

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