L'ODJ Média

Education in the Metaverse

Rédigé par le Mercredi 24 Mai 2023

​An International Conference to Explore the Opportunities of the Metaverse on May 29th and 30th, Ibn Tofail University in Kenitra, the Tamkine Foundation, and the Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences - EMSI - are co-organizing an International Conference on "Education in the Metaverse."

Several experts and professors from Moroccan and international educational institutions will share their expertise, experience, approaches, and visions on how education can benefit from the Metaverse and how educational institutions in Morocco, the continent, and around the world should approach it. 
The conference will take place at the Ibn Tofail University Theater in Kenitra and virtually on the platform: workplace.tamtechsolution.com the conference aims to serve as a platform for discussion, collaboration, and knowledge sharing while highlighting the latest technologies and tools available for education in the Metaverse.
 We hope to raise awareness and promote the use of the Metaverse in education, inspire educators, experiment with virtual worlds, and contribute to the advancement of education. The conference will span two days. 

The first day will feature keynote speeches and panel discussions, where experts in education and the Metaverse will share their ideas and experiences. 
Participants will have the opportunity to learn from these experts and engage in exciting discussions on topics such as best practices, challenges, and opportunities in using the Metaverse for education, as well as ethical considerations. 
Attendees of this international conference will also have the chance to interact with representatives from companies and learn more about their latest products and solutions. The exhibitions will provide an excellent opportunity for participants to explore the possibilities of using the Metaverse in education and discover new ways to enhance their teaching and learning experiences. 
We appreciate your interest and remain at your disposal for any information that will help you cover this significant conference.

Admin Ait Bellahcen
Un ingénieur passionné par la technique, mordu de mécanique et avide d'une liberté que seuls l'auto... En savoir plus sur cet auteur
Mercredi 24 Mai 2023

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